Tuesday 19 October 2010

Lots to say - and do

Had a good meeting today with PhD student and another member of the supervisory team.  Delighted with progress to date and planning a couple of preliminary empirical studies.  Felicity is on course to have lots to say at her end of year Progress Review Panel, which is due early 2011.

Had a brief chat with my co-author about the PCOS paper that's nearly ready  to submit.  We also discussed a bit of research assistant work that's coming up - one related to Felicity's assistance dogs research and the other to ongoing work with Ryder Cheshire Volunteers.

Have also been looking at some data collected from our level two undergraduates, about their vocational identities and career aspirations. 

And now it's ever so dark and I'm glad to be indoors...


  1. Hi Carol,

    I follow your blog - can I ask what your paper on PCOS is about as I'm a PCOS sufferer, recently diagnosed and it would interesting to know.


  2. Hi Natasha

    Nice to hear from you - I am following your blog now.

    The paper is about the needs and hopes of 16 women with PCOS who volunteered to take part in a self management education programme in Coventry. It has to go out for anonymous peer review if it is (as we hope) to get published eventually in an academic journal, so I have to keep the details a bit vague for now. We have however published a couple of related papers that you might be interested in:

    Percy, C., Gibbs, T., Potter, L., & Boardman, S. (2009). Nurse-led peer support group: Experiences of women with polycystic ovary syndrome. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 65(10), 2046.
    Percy, C., & Murray, S. (2010). The role of an on-line peer-to-peer health community in addressing psychosocial concerns and social support in polycystic ovary syndrome. International Journal of Web Based Communities, 6(4), 349-361.

    The self management course the Coventry ladies went on is the NHS Expert Patient Programme, which you can find out more about if you click on the web link at the top right of my blog.

    Good luck with your own PCOS journey.
